Kute associated with kutesocialverified
the official kute account
No interests added yet
the official kute account
No interests added yet
This is your customizable profile that will be available at <yourusername>.kute.bio once kute launches. Make it uniquely yours by adding your favorite content, social links, and more!
👋 What you're seeing below is an example of how your Kard could be customized. You'll be able to create your own unique layout with different sections and content types!
A deep dive into modern web development practices and tools
Here's a quick tip about CSS Grid that will make your layouts easier...
From beginner to professional: here's my story in the tech industry...
I'm a software engineer passionate about building beautiful and functional web applications. I love exploring new technologies and sharing what I learn with others.
I'm currently working on improving web accessibility and exploring the intersection of design and development.
Feel free to reach out if you want to collaborate on a project or just chat about tech!
A modern web application built with Next.js and TypeScript
An experimental UI library focused on accessibility
A handbook of agile software craftsmanship